Upcomming CA4 Candidate as
International Director
Presentation of PDG Lorena Hus
D129 Slovenia
Lorena Hus, born in Zadar, Croatia, married with DuĊĦan (Lions member too), two sons (both LEO).
Pharmacist, working in National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food.
Member for 25 years, during that time I was president of LC Celje Mozaik, district secretary, DG district 129 Slovenia in 2007/2008.
I organized in number of activities at local and national level.
As GLT coordinator for last 10 years, I educated many Lions from Slovenia, Croatia, North Macedonia and Montenegro, I was Faculty of ALLI in Sofia and ELLI in North Macedonia.
I received recertification of my LCIP Certificate.
Find more with the Power Point presentation